Is It Safe To Eat Mango During Pregnancy?
So the good news is you are pregnant! With so much about to happen in the next few months, there will be a host of things you will need to take care of for the health of your unborn baby and you. As you begin your pregnancy journey, there will be times when people will advise you about various dos and don’ts. One such advice that many ladies often hear is to stay away from consuming mango during pregnancy. Can Pregnant Women Eat Mango? Pregnancy is often characterized by craving for specific foods. If you are pregnant during the summer months, a difficult to ignore temptation may be eating mangoes. But do you really need to avoid eating mangoes, or is it safe to consume? Let’s have a look. Pregnancy is a delicate matter. Consult Trusted doctors at Lybrate. Let’s begin by understanding the various nutrients that mango-king of fruits has to offer: Decoding The Nutritional Value: Per 100 grams, *% of daily value Calories 60 Kcal Proteins 0.8 g Fats...