Health Benefits of Chikoo (Sapodilla) Fruit and Juice

About Chikoo (Chickoo or Sapodilla Fruit)

Generally, Chikoo is known by the people as chikoo. Most of the people are not familiar by the name of chikoo as “Sapota”. Chikoo is very yummy, sweet, delicate and calorie loaded fruit belongs to the category of mango, banana or jack. Chikoo is also famous as Noseberry, Mudapples, Sapodilla plum and Chickoo Sapota.
Sapodilla is easily available in many countries like Central America, Southern Mexico, the Caribbean, Vietnam, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Bangladesh, Maldives, Indonesia, Belize and India. When it is unripe it has very hard surface and white pulp because of the high latex content. Its latex content gradually lessens as it ripens. It contains simple sugars such as the fructose and sucrose which are the source of energy in it. It grows in hot climate and takes around 5 to 8 years to get mature. Chikoo tree yields chikoo fruit two times a year.
This brown colored fruit contain 2 to 5 black and shiny seeds in the middle portion. It promotes good health when eaten with skin. It can also be taken as milkshakes, juice or ice creams. Somewhere it is used to make syrup for medicinal purpose.
Earlier I was not used of eating chikoo, but when I know its nutritional benefits, immediately I started eating chikoo in its seasons and felt its all beneficial aspects on my own.

Benefits of Chikoo/Sapodilla

I have mentioned below almost all the possible health benefits of the chikoo fruit for you:
Improves Eye Vision in Old Age
  • Chikoo fruit is very beneficial to your eyes as it is the good source of Vitamin A which naturally aids in improving your eye vision even in the old ages.
Energizes the Body
  • It revitalizes the body through its high energy content like fructose and sucrose which supply instant energy.
Provides Relief from Inflammation
  • Chikoo fruit is very effective anti inflammatory agent because of its high tannins content.
Improves Digestive Tract Health
  • It helps in improving the health of digestive tract by preventing variety of inflammations like esophagitis, irritable bowel syndrome, enteritis and gastritis.
Prevents from Cancer
  • Sapodilla is very good source of antioxidants, dietary fibers and nutrients (Vitamins A and B) which helps in preventing certain types of cancers (lung cancer, oral cavity cancer and etc) in the body by binding the carcinogens. Its vitamins contents maintain the health of mucus linings in the body and so the skin texture.
Strengthens Bone
  • Chikoo makes your bones healthy and powerful as it contains minerals like calcium, phosphorus, iron and etc required to maintain the bone endurance.
Provides Relief from Constipation
  • Chikoo fruit is dietary fibers (works as laxative) rich fruit thus aids in relieving constipation. It nourishes the colon’s membrane by making it resistant to the infections.
Stops Blood Loss from Piles
  • Chikoo fruit has haemostatic property means assists in stopping blood loss during piles or other injuries.
Provides Relief from Insect Bite
  • The paste of its seeds can be applied on the areas of insect bites to get instant relief.
Prevents from Bacterial Infection
  • It also has the anti-parasitic, anti viral and anti bacterial property as it has the polyphenolic antioxidants which prevent the bacteria to grow or enter into the human body.
Destroys Free Radicals and Boosts Immune System
  • Chikoo is rich in Vitamin C which rejuvenates the body by destroying free radicals and boosting the immunity.
Regularize Functioning of Digestive System
  • The other content like potassium, folate, iron, niacin and pantothenic acid assist in appropriate working of digestive system.
Effective in Diarrhoea
  • Chikoo fruit works as a great anti diarrheal home remedy because of its purgative property. It also provides relief from the piles and dysentery.
Improves Mental Health and Keeps Stress Free
  • Chikoo plays a great role in improving the mental health because of being an effective sedative. It calms down the nerves and ease stress. It is proved as the most beneficial fruit for the person suffering from the depression, insomnia or anxiety.
Provides Relief from Respiratory Tract Disorders
  • Eating chikoo helps to get relief from the severe cold and chronic cough by eliminating the phlegm and mucus from nasal and respiratory tract.

Removes Bladder and Kidney Stones
  • The seeds of the chikoo fruit work as a diuretic and helps in removing the bladder and kidney stones. It provides protection against other kidney diseases as well.
Promotes Weight Loss
  • Eating chikoo regularly controls the gastric enzymes secretions and metabolism process and thus assists in weight loss and prevents obesity.
Removes Toxin from Body
  • It works as a good detoxifying agent and diuretic which helps in eliminating the body waste materials through frequent urination.
Prevents Water Retention in Body
  • It maintains the body water concentration thus prevents the occurrence of edemas (water retention) in the body.
Cures Tooth Cavities
  • Sapodilla helps in curing the tooth cavities as its high latex content is used to fill the tooth cavities.
Regulates Blood Pressure
  • The magnesium content of the chikoo makes the blood vessels healthy and potassium content helps in regulating the blood pressure and blood circulation.
Prevents from Anemia
  • The folate and iron contents of it prevent the occurrence of anemia.
Prevents from Pulmonary Problems
  • A paste prepared by mixing the chikoo flowers and chikoo fruits provides relief as well as prevents the pulmonary problems.
Relieves Muscle Spasm
  • Chikoo fruit also works as an antispasmodic as it provides relief from pains and muscle spasms.
Benefits of Chikoo during Pregnancy
Energizes the Body
  • It is considered as the high energetic fruit for the pregnant and lactating mother because of its high carbohydrates and nutrients contents.
Relieves from Pregnancy Symptoms
  • It reduces the weakness in pregnant women by offering instant energy and provides relief from the pregnancy symptoms like nausea and dizziness.

Benefits of Chikoo for Hair

Keeps Hair Healthy
  • Eating chikoo regularly provide all the essential nutrients required to maintain the healthy hair.
Nourishes the Hair Scalp
  • The oil extracts from the chikoo seeds moisturizes and softens the hair by nourishing the scalp and relieving the skin irritation.
Treats Seborrheic Dermatitis
  • It is also effective in treating the seborrheic dermatitis.
Removes Dandruff
  • The paste of chikoo seeds and castor oil is applied on the scalp to get rid of the dandruff.

Benefits of Chikoo for Skin

Makes Skin Healthy
  • Because of the high contents of minerals, vitamins and antioxidants of chikoo, it makes the skin healthy and glowing by maintaining the natural texture and complexion of the skin.
Moisturizes the Skin
  • Its Vitamin E content moisturizes the skin and thus makes beautiful.
Fights with Early Ageing
  • The antioxidants property of chikoo works against the early ageing by fighting with the wrinkles and free radicals (which enhances the ageing process).
Makes Skin Smooth
  • The seed kernel oil of chikoo works as the best skin ointment.
Removes Skin Warts
  • The milky juice of chikoo plant is very effective in removing the skin warts and fungal growth.

Benefits of Chikoo Milkshake

  • As chikoo milkshake is prepared by mixing with milk, it has increased its energy, vitamins and minerals levels. It is very tasty and delicious shake when prepared using appropriate amount of both.

Benefits of Chikoo Juice

  • Chikoo juice is also very energetic and full of all the nutrients provides instant energy by fighting fatigue and weakness.
Benefits of Chikoo for Infants/Babies/Kids
It can be given to the new age group kids, infants and babies and can be started from 6 to 8 months of age. Some of the benefits for kids are:
Improves Physical and Mental Growth
  • It is the good source of vitamins which is very necessary for the infants and toddlers for their physical and mental growth.
  • It boosts the immune system, proper eyesight, brain development, lipid metabolism, increase hemoglobin level, proper cell division and helps in carrying out many other activities.
Promote Bone Growth
  • It is the good source of minerals like iron, folates, calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, copper, phosphorous, selenium and etc which are very essential for facilitating various body functions including proper bone growth.
Prevents from Free Radicals
  • It supplies them lots of antioxidants to fight with the free radicals of metabolism.
Prevents from Infection
  • It has antimicrobial property thus prevents from many infections.
Prevents from Digestive Problems
  • It is very useful in curing their diarrhea and dysentery problems.
Prevents from Respiratory Problems
  • It also helps in curing common cough and cold and provides relief from the congestion.

Nutritional Benefits of Chikoo/Sapodilla per 100 g

(Source: USDA Nutrient Database)
Energy: 83 Kcal
Fat: 1.10 g
Carbohydrates: 19.9 g
Protein: 0.44 g
Dietary Fiber: 5.3 g
Folates: 14 mcg
Vitamin A: 60 IU
Vitamin C: 14.7 mg
B Group Vitamins:
Niacin (B3): 0.200 mg
Pantothenic acid (B5): 0.252 mg
Pyridoxine (B6): 0.037 mg
Riboflavin (B2): 0.020 mg
Thiamin (B1): 0.058 mg
Sodium: 12 mg
Potassium: 193 mg
Calcium: 21 mg
Copper: 0.086 mg
Iron: 0.80 mg
Magnesium: 12 mg
Phosphorous: 12 mg
Selenium: 0.6 mcg
Zinc: 0.10 mg
Saturated fatty acids: 0.33 g
Monounsaturated fatty acids: 0.89 g
Polyunsaturated fatty acids: 0.02 g
How to Ripen the Raw Chikoo
  • Raw chikoo can be easily ripened by putting raw chikoo in the bag of rice which makes it ripe in just two days.
How to Eat Chikoo
  • It can be eaten by peeling out the skin and removing the seeds.
  • But it is healthiest when eating with skin. To remove the seeds easily, open the chikoo longitudinally and bisects.
Selection and Storage of Chikoo
Chikoo is easily available in the market in almost all the seasons. Select fresh, smooth skin, brown color, soft and well shaped chikoo from the market. Avoid buying wrinkled skin, spotted, bruised, hard, deformed or leaking chikoo from the market as they can be infected and cannot be stored for some days. You can also check the ripening of the fruit by gently pressing thumb on it.
It can be stored for some days at room temperature at home by keeping in the cool, dry and clean place. It can also be stored in the refrigerator at very low temperature for week long. However, it is good to consume within 3 to 4 days of buying.
Disadvantages, Side Effects and Precautions of Chikoo
Chikoo has lots of health benefits as it is the good source of health nutrients. However, over eating of it may lead to the seriousness to the health. Some of the disadvantages, side effects and precautions of chikoo are mentioned below:
  • Eating raw chikoo may cause some problems like mouth irritation, itching in the throat, problems in breathing and ulcer in the mouth as it contains sour chemicals like latex and tannins.
  • It is high in calories which may add some extra weight to the body if eaten more than the requirement.
  • Overeating of it may cause abdominal discomfort and abdominal pain.
How Many Chikoo to Eat a Day
Eating chikoo within limit is very necessary to have good health and to be prevented from the symptoms of overeating. It is the good source of healthy nutrients, the requirements of which varies from person to person depending on the weight, age, sex and health status. However, 100 to 120 g of chikoo can be eaten a day to be really blessed with its nutrients. It is good to consult your doctor to know its daily limit according to your health status and body requirements of the nutrients.


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